Original Motorola Firmware (Flash File)

Motorola Moto G15 XT2521-2

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You can find the direct link to download Motorola Moto G15 XT2521-2 Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File) on this page. The Firmware package comes with the Firmware, Driver, Flash Tool, and How-to Flash Manual.

Motorola Moto G15 XT2521-2 Stock ROM

The Motorola Stock ROM will help you downgrade or upgrade your Motorola Device’s Stock Firmware (Mobile OS). It will also help you fix any Software-Related, Bootloop, or IMEI issues.

Model Name: Motorola XT2521-2
File Name: Motorola_Moto_G15_XT2521-2_MT6768_Lamu_G_User_15_VVTA35.51-28-24_f23912_Release-Keys.zip
Android Version: 15
How to Flash: Follow Guidelines
ROM Size: 5.41 GB

Mirror 1 (Free)Mirror 2 (Paid)

Model Name: Motorola XT2521-2
File Name: Motorola_Moto_G15_XT2521-2_Fastboot_Lamu_G_User_15_VVTA35.51-28-26_B23E7D_Release_Keys_TFS.zip
Android Version: 15
ROM Size: 5.41 GB

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Model Name: Motorola XT2521-2
File Name: Motorola_Moto_G15_XT2521-2_MT6768_Lamu_G_User_15_VVTA35.51-65-5_B608f4_Release-Keys.zip
Android Version: 15
ROM Size: 5.43 GB

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Model Name: Motorola XT2521-2
File Name: Motorola_Moto_G15_XT2521-2_MT6768_Lamu_G_User_15_VVTA35.51-65-12_495599_Release-Keys.zip
Android Version: 15
ROM Size: 5.43 GB

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How to Flash Motorola Moto G15 XT2521-2 Stock ROM

  1. Download and extract the firmware package on the computer.
  2. After extracting the firmware package, you will get Firmware, Flash Tool, and Driver.
  3. Install the Driver on the computer (if in case drivers are already installed, then SKIP this step).
  4. Open the Flash Tool and Load the Firmware.
  5. Connect your Motorola Moto G15 XT2521-2 to the computer.
  6. Hit the Flash button to begin the Flashing process.
  7. Once the flashing process is completed, disconnect the device and restart it.
  8. Follow Complete Guidelines


[*] Flash Tool: If you want to download the latest version of SP Flash Tool, then head over to SP Flash Tool for Windows or SP Flash Tool for Linux page.

[*] Motorola Driver: If you want to download the latest version of Motorola USB Driver, then head over to the Motorola USB Driver Download Page.

[*] Take a Backup: Flashing or installing the above firmware will wipe the user data from the device. Therefore, we request you to take a backup of your data before flashing the firmware.

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